Carpe Diem – Seize your day
by Nyasha T Maturure
I enjoyed watching clips of the US inauguration in January. It was amazing to see the first female Vice President, Kamala Harris being sworn in. It has been great to see over the past decade women stepping into leadership positions of great in the past decade and she is one of the many to blaze the trail for us.
In life often times we have excuses about the limitations that prevent us from achieving our dreams. This is applicable to any one of us male or female , young or elderly.
Our dreams and desires are the seeds God puts into our hearts to achieve our purpose. It is sad that most of us persuade ourselves to let go of the very things that we are passionate about. The negative self talk about our gender, race, age or past failures seems to dim the optimism which is our imagination.
There is a quote I came across by former president Barack Obama which says , “Our destiny is not written for us , but by us.” it encourages us to step out of the shadows and break the stereotypes which say you cant do it. I believe that the circumstances we face no matter what they are sharpen and strengthen us to better execute our destiny.
I love the quote that says the place of your greatest fear is the very place of your greatest success. It is those big dreams that scare us the most that we should chase. The mentality of cowering in the shadows waiting for someone to come along and shine the lime light on you is a typical self -sabotage tactic.
I may not know your dream or plans for the future , my encouragement today is for you to step out. There is no time like the present.
Dream IT, Step into IT, Pray about IT, Focus on IT, Work on IT and you will Achieve IT. See you at the top!
I leave you with quotes on destiny and encourage you to pursue yours:
Our history is not our destiny. Alan Cohen
“Life is a journey of either fate or destiny. Fate is the result of giving into one’s wounds and heartaches. Your destiny unfolds when you rise above the challenges of your life and use them as divine opportunities to move forward to unlock your higher potential.” Caroline Myss